quinta-feira, 25 de dezembro de 2008

What this is not

Dear friends,

This is not a Christmas message. I am just taking this opportunity to ratify how important all of you are for me. Since this is not a happy new year message too, because I wish you happiness every day, even when I don´t remember you explicitly, this message has nothing to do with our callendar. However, I should confess that this moment is very special to me and maybe I was not able to focus on this message in another period of the year, so that I´m the only one among us who is supposed to consider that it´s Christmas and the new year is about to come. Then I just would like you forgave me for such a limit and accepted my sincere votes of happiness, peace in the heart, health and success from this moment until your last breath.

And thank you for the friendship you offer me, no matter how often neither how intense. It´s more than enough.

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